Candlelight Tea
The tiny cute place for contemplation
When we are still working from home it is necessary to take smaller breaks in between to just sit quietly away from the screens and meetings. When everyone at home is working from home the question comes where is that quiet place?
Many a number of times when I wanted to take a break and sit quietly and found one balcony is not free and the other one is not suitable for taking a break.
Medium-sized apartments in India usually have templated balconies. A large sitting area cum dining area opens into a front balcony which is large and good, and another smaller balcony, wash area, and a place to dry clothes that opens from the kitchen.
We too have a smaller wash cum multipurpose area. I had thought many times, to convert an alternate to our problem for taking breaks and tea. Thought of a small cozy area for contemplation.
An alternate place for a regular sit-out.
After a couple of iterations, the MVP or the minimum viable product that I was able to create came out like the below pictures.
For creating this, we have bought a few IKEA products to keep some of the common clutter in the utility area and some things we have customized.
This helped me to organize all the kitchen items that we use rarely.
Barstool with backrest, foldable, white/white63 cm (24 3/4 “)
I bought this 2 in numbers for us to sit take tea etc. It may be strange for taking tea while sitting on a barstool :).
3. The customized Iron Grill
The grill helped us to dry huge bed sheets, quilts, and dry other clothes using hangers, which keeps this tiny balcony clutter-free.
Maybe I have built a lot of prologues so far and you want to see the end results. Here is the end result.
Candlelight dinners may not be possible in this space but having a quick tea/coffee break while working from home, sitting quietly contemplating is surely possible in this tiny and beautiful space.
So by thinking about design and focusing on the issue that we are facing on a daily basis it was possible for me to apply the problem-solving lenses, innovate and convert the cluttered area to a cozy area for completmpation.
It was our desirability to have another alternative sitting area when working from home that is technically feasible given the space constraints and viable.