Micronutrients for proper functioning of the body

DrPadmavathi Roy
2 min readJan 23, 2021


My friend, Mel, came to me for an advice with numbness and tingling of foot . During our discussion she told me she has stopped using dairy products in the diet for about months.

I was curious to know the reason, she is on a weight loss program . An efficient weight loss could not be achieved ignoring nutritional needs that are required for proper functioning of our body. Stop consuming dairy products in diet especially for vegetarians could be detrimental to health.

Her symptoms are due to vitamin B12 deficiency, most common for people on vegetarian and vegan diets, who does not consume dairy products.

Vitamin B12 naturally found in the animal foods. Foods & supplements like cereals and soya products can be fortified with this vitamin,

Vitamin B12 useful for formation of the red blood cells or RBC and DNA. It is a key vitamin for functioning the brain and nerve cells. It also plays an important role in cardiovascular health and cognitive function.

Where can you find Vitamin B12?

As mentioned earlier, this vitamin could be found in the animals products and there are options of both vegetarians and non-vegetarians. Daily requirement of this vitamin is 2.4 mcg for both men and women.

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Micronutrients for proper functioning of the body

Non-Vegetarian options

  1. Poultry & Eggs

2. Fish & shellfish

3. Red meat & Liver

Vegetarian/vegan options

  1. Dairy products such as milk, cheese, and yogurt

2. Fortified nutritional yeast/brewer’s yeast

3. Fortified breakfast cereals

4. Fortified soy milk

When to see a doctor ?

Should you ever experience numbness, tingling in your limbs, weakness and fatigue, lack of interest in anything and you keep forgetting the things, it is the time you consult your clinician.

Your clinician may order certain blood test that would diagnose the deficiency. Often blood levels of vitamin B12 may be normal but you experience the symptoms, then your clinician might order some special investigations like plasma homocysteine and methylmalonic acid.

Serum levels of homocysteine and methylmalonic acid levels are raised in vitamin B12 deficiency.

How do your doctor treat vitamin B12 deficiency?

Your clinician might prescribe a balanced diet with dairy and dairy products as I did to my friend Mel. Along with a daily supplement of either tablet or intramuscular vitamin injection if your deficiency is severe.

Vitamin B12 deficiency is reversible and prognosis is very good.



DrPadmavathi Roy
DrPadmavathi Roy

Written by DrPadmavathi Roy

Passionate about Science, Medicine Technology and Fine Arts

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